I have decide that it is time to get Logan back on track and into a routine, i've heard that alot of families that only have one child don't make their kids have a bedtime routine, or a regular routine to that matter. But here lately I have really been working hard on getting Logan on a scedule. He was on a scedule before now, it just wasnt really that great! So we now wake up, Logan and I at 7am every morning, we eat breakfast,brush our teeth, then have music and play time. Then I start to make lunch bout 11am we eat at 11:30 am, then we go outside if it nice, if not, we color,do puzzles and do educational stuff! Then 1-2pm is nap time. 4pm bath time, Logan usually take about an hour bath, he loves bath time!! Then I start to make Supper bout 5pm. Then We eat bout 5:30-6pm. Then Bedtime is 8pm! So far this scedule is working great, I am so happy! This gives Anthony and I time to spend together and catch up with eachother and it also gives Logan structure! Also we are still potty training, it is going well, Logan is liking it and he likes to wear his 'COOL" underwear haha!
How has having a routine for your children made it easier for you, and them?