Sunday, February 26, 2012

Date Night

Last evening my husband and I went on a date! We went to dinner and a movie,  and we did some shopping! It was a really fun time. We are really the kind of people to just chill out at home cuddle and watch a movie kind of people, so it was very nice to actually go out to dinner and watch a movie together. But anyway we planned on eating at Chilis, but when we got there it was PACKED, and both of us were starving so we decided on Denny's. It was great we caught up on some things, and had a really great meal together. Then it was off to do some shopping together, then the movie. We saw the Act of Valor! We had a great night together.

What I'm Loving This Week!

This week I am really loving the WEATHER!!
- It has been extremely nice here lately! I am just so thankful! I just love it when it is nice, because my mood is alot better it seems, and Logan gets to get out of the house and burn off the extra energy he always has, gotta love the fresh air too!!

My HUSBAND- I am really appreciating the extra help I have been receiving from my husband! He has been superdad here lately! He has just been extraordinary!


POTTY TRAINING- I am really enjoying potty training, did I really just say that!? Haha. Logan has been doing wonderful with not complaining because it's potty time, and he is actually seeming to enjoy it! We went and got him some Cars pull-ups this week and he is in love with them. He no longer wears diapers whatsoever! Just big boy pull-ups!

How was ya'lls week!?

Final Weeks

So we are closing in on the final weeks of my 2nd pregnancy!! This is so exciting!! Only 4 more weeks until our sweet little 2nd bundle of joy will arrive. We have everything officially ready for our little guy!

I have been drinking ALOT of h2O here lately, I have cut the soda out of my diet, since it makes me feel sick. But I do enjoy a cup of coffee every now and again!

Landon Matthew Ross

So i have really been thinking here lately of how our life is going to change once Landon gets here. So i have a few questions for ya'll, I really appreciate your opinions....

1.) What did you enjoy the most about the last few weeks of pregnancy?
2.)How did you prepare for the birth of your 2nd child?
3.) How did you transiton from having a 3 person family (mom,dad,toddler) to a 4 person family (mom,dad,toddler,infant)?

I'm looking forward to hearing your lovely advice! ;)

Thursday, February 23, 2012

New tactics - perhaps?

Oh my I am pretty sure I am in dire need of some new parenting tactics. It seems like its the same thing everyday with Logan. He whines or throws a fit when I ask him if he wants to do something, or if he wants a drink. And also if he wants something he whines and throws a fit about it. I thought that I would just ignore it, since it is negative behavior, and eventually he would stop acting that way. Well you know, I've come to the conclusion that that is not going to fly, and I decided he will start going to time-out each time he acts like this, and hopefully he stops. If this doesnt fix the behavior, then I will have to come up with something else. I hate to be a meany but hes going to be starting school in a few months,and he CANNOT act like this at school! Wish me luck!

Has anyone else experienced this behavior with their children before?

Sunday, February 19, 2012

I just got to thinking...

So I woke up today as usual about 7:30am to find Logan laying beside me trying to get me to play with him. I  have to admit that it does take me awhile to wake up in the morning i can't just hop out of bed and start my day like some people can. So I finally get up and get Logan breakfast and myself some, and head out the door to do laundry. Daddy and Logan were going to have some father son time while mommy got laundry done. I pull out of the driveway seeing Logan looking out the window waving bye to me and smiling at me, I'm thinking man he sure is a charmer, and makes me so happy.

I am doing laundry and I get to thinking how I want to show my children that they are respected and loved and I want them to be assured that they bring so much joy to my life. I know that with the daily chaos parents go thru between disaplining their children and what not, sometimes its hard to really see what lifes all about for our children. Its hard to work around that daily frustration of hmm how should i react to the way Logans acting, should i ignore this negative behavior or should i disapline. So i decided that I am going to focus more on the good,positive things Logan does, and try to ignore the negative, none important things Logan does ( aka things that are not that big of a deal).

I am also going to challenge myself to smile more often at my children. I want Logan to know I am happy with the positive things he is doing. And I want him to know he is loved!

What do you feel is important to do daily with your children?

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Getting things together for Landon's Arrival

Today Landon's crib went up! I am now 34 weeks pregnant, time is just flying by! We are getting so anxious to meet our little guy! Yesterday I went out and bought Landon's carseat! I got one of those Graco My Ride carseats, I love it, also got one that comes in and out of the car from a friend of ours, that will come in handy for our second vechicle.

I also picked up the cloth diapers for Landon. I am very happy to try the cloth diaper thing. I have heard about alot of  people really liking them and some  people really didnt care for them. It will save us alot of money though which is a big plus!
Here is Landon's crib:

I love it!
Storage drawer

Rocking chair we got for the boys!
sweet Logan
34 weeks along
My sweet Logan and I

Monday, February 13, 2012

Snow Day!

Yes, last night it finally decided to snow! It wasnt really that cold today, Logan had an Appt. this morning so he got to atleast walk thru the snow and play alittle in it! We got a few inches! I am so thankful for the moisture we received, it was much needed! Logan and I did some crafts today and just hung out!

Tomorrow is my hubby's birthday, so you can look forward to a post about that! =)

Did you do anything fun today?

Friday, February 10, 2012

What's New

Today I decided that it was time for a change, so I went and got a new hairstyle. I LOVE it! I finally have volume, and I can straighten it as well. Here's a few pics
I'm 33 wks pregnant
Also I finally got my coupon binder put together. It is now so much easier to find coupons when need-be!

And last, but not LEAST, I am loving how potty training Logan is going! We stayed up in the hospital for a few days this week and Logan did amazing with holding his pee and not going in his pull-up! I knew it wasnt going to be easy especially since he was hooked up on iv fluids the whole time, but he was such a big kid about it, I am just sooo proud of him! Tomorrow I am going to start putting him in underwear! I hope he continues to pee in the potty and hold it!

Do you have anything new that you would like to share?

Thursday, February 9, 2012


so i thought id do a quick post  about how pottyvtraining is going

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Starting to get anxious

I am really starting to get anxious about Landons birth. This pregancy has been great, I haven't really had much to complain about. It has been healthy, which is most important. I just keep reassuring myself that the birthing process will go fine. It's so funny that im nervous about birthing another baby and I have already done it once before! haha. Anthony and I both think Logan is going to do great with Landon. Logan is really growing up, it makes me sad! He will most likely start some sort of school this year! I can't believe it is already that time. He is loving potty training still and I am so happy about his independence!

Happy Thursday!