Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Landon's 1 Month Old

I cannot believe it! Our little boy Landon is already 1 month old! I keep asking myself where does the time go?! We are enjoying every minute of it! Logan is loving having his brother around as well, hes just not yet used to mommy having to show attention to someone else, but I completely understand, I mean he has been the baby in our family for 3 years! Here's alittle bit about Landon:

Size clothes: 0-3 months
Eats every: 2-3 hours during day, and 6-7 hours at night
Size Diaper: Size 2 ( already!):(
Weight: 9.4 lbs

Landon loves to be talked to and he is starting to smile! He coos and makes the cutest noises. I cannot get over how mellow he is. He mainly only crys when he needs a diaper change or when he is hungry! I love motherhood! It is one of the greatest jobs in the world in my opinion! Stay tuned for more on lil' Landon!

Have a great week!!

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