Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Logan is now 2.5 yrs old!

Logan is now 2.5 years old, I can't believe it!! Logan had his 2.5 yr checkup yesterday and he was 35lbs and 3'1" tall. He is in the 78th percentile for height and 92nd percentile for weight! he sure is one healthy boy and I couldnt be more thankful!! In 6 months Logan has grown an inch and a half :)
Here are some recent pics of him!


what im loving this week{Pregnancy update}

This week I am going to share 5 more facts about me
This weeks facts have to do with my pregnancy!
Here we go!

1. This week I will be 19 weeks pregnant!

2. This week I am craving sweets...just in time for halloween, I am loving sour candy :)

3. I am already starting to nest, I canot wait to find out what we are having , only 5 more weeks left until we find out and then I can really start getting ready for this little one;)

4. I am loving my preganancy workout! I do prenatal pilates everyday! The DVD is divided into 5 workouts which are 10 minutes a a piece, and I do 1 to 2 workouts depending on how motivated I am that day! But it feels so nice to workout in my home!

5. The constant tiredness that has been going on here lately has started to cease, and I'm starting to enjoy having my energy back to keep up with our 2.5 yr old! He sure keeps me moving!=)

 Here is a pic of me!!