Friday, April 17, 2015


So I was reading this article the other day about the things your kids will remember about you. 1. was how u made them feel,2. How your relationship was with your spouse,3. Things you did,that were special.  And all I can say I couldnt agree more. Kids are like sponges they pick up everything! But these things truelly are the most important. Im pretty ok with stopping to do dishes because my 3 yr old wants me to play cars with him, they can wait,these
 are the things our kids are going to remember,its not going to be the small things like,mom left her shoes in the middle of the floor,or dad didnt put his clothes in the hamper until morning. No big deal.

 I am my own person,I say what I feel,and do what I want.  I am a very passionate and loving person, I do what I can for others, and If I can help them in any way I will. The best kind of people are the ones who know your story,and help you through it, and write it without judgement,and are always there.

-- Rose