Thursday, February 23, 2012

New tactics - perhaps?

Oh my I am pretty sure I am in dire need of some new parenting tactics. It seems like its the same thing everyday with Logan. He whines or throws a fit when I ask him if he wants to do something, or if he wants a drink. And also if he wants something he whines and throws a fit about it. I thought that I would just ignore it, since it is negative behavior, and eventually he would stop acting that way. Well you know, I've come to the conclusion that that is not going to fly, and I decided he will start going to time-out each time he acts like this, and hopefully he stops. If this doesnt fix the behavior, then I will have to come up with something else. I hate to be a meany but hes going to be starting school in a few months,and he CANNOT act like this at school! Wish me luck!

Has anyone else experienced this behavior with their children before?