Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Only a few months till our 2nd bundle of Joy arrives!

Landon Matthew

Baby Landon will be here in 3 months, I know it sounds like along time but this pregnancy is flying by this time! I will be 27 weeks this week! I have not gotten anything out yet for Landon, I decided I was going to wait til' bout Feb or March to start getting things out and setup. I just cant wait! I have officially decided that I am going to breastfeed him as long as I possibly can, because breastfeeding is the healthiest and best for baby! My sister-in law let me use a really nice breast pump, and I cant wait to use it, I need to start looking into how to store breast milk and all that good stuff, my friend Megan Corral from The Corral Connection says it is pretty easy!=) I also have thought about doing cloth diapers as well but I haven't made a for sure decision on that since I am planning on working once Logan's done with his stuff and Landon gets here. But I do know that I want to get good deals on diapers. There is only a few short more months left until Landon arrives, we sure can't wait! I love feeling his baby kicks and talking to him. He seems to be more active around the evening and night hours!

Stay tuned for more about our 2nd bundle of joy Landon Matthew.


  1. He'll be here before you know it! Wishing you all the best with breastfeeding!

  2. I know, time sure is flying haha, thank you so much I really hope it goes well too! =)
